data mining, machine learning |
AI, BLE communication, Neural Networks, Python |
adaptive control, Aerial Robotics, Reinforcement Learning, UAV |
machine learning, neural network |
communication systems, Localization, technology advancements. |
Integrated Photonics technology, quantum communication |
Microgrids, Power electronics, Renewable integrations, Renewable-based power systems |
artificial intelligence, Computer Vision, Deep learning, Generative AI and LLMs |
Combinatorial machine learning, combinatorial optimization, decision trees, machine learning, machine learning algorithm, News |
Spotlight, News |
News |
News |
News |
data analysis, MATLAB, Programming language, Web Technologies |
News |
News |
applied mathematics, computational methods, MATLAB, Signal processing |
data analysis, healthcare, News |
News |
News |
News |
News |
News |
News |
News |
data mining, machine learning |
Research |
Research |
machine learning, Signal processing, Wireless Communications |
LiDAR, optical computing |
discrete optimization, machine learning |
Compressed Sensing Approach, Multi-carrier Systems |
deep learning, seismic processing |
artificial intelligence, computer networks, embedded systems, energy efficiency, intrusion detection, IoT, machine learning |
Teaching |
News |
Books |
News |
News |
News |
artificial intelligence, Generative AI and LLMs |
artificial intelligence, machine learning, software |